105 - Hero Properties

Marché LachuteFuture Opportunity

425 avenue Béthany, Lachute, QC

Strategically positioned right off Highway 50, the main route connecting Gatineau to Montreal and Ottawa, this site is located at the entrance to Lachute, in the heart of the regional commercial hub. With a lighted interchange, it offers convenient and easy access to the property.
07 - CTA

A Unique Opportunity to Become Part of Lachute's Retail Scene

Marché Lachute is considered the gateway to the town of Lachute and the majority of its residents. Strategically located on the main commercial boulevard and in close proximity to both Walmart and Canadian Tire, Marché Lachute is an integral part of the local retail scene. Being part of a retail hub is complemented by a recently completed residential development, a nearby indoor shopping mall, an office building and an industrial park.

Numerous entrances and a traffic-light-controlled intersection are assets for retailers, as is easy access for the more than 18,000 vehicles that drive past the center every day. This retail business serves a trade area of over 45,000 people.

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Trade Area


Daily Traffic


Average Income


Projected Growth
00 - Separator
111 - Planpoint
00 - Spacing
18 - Content Group

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10 - Form

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